Monday, July 23, 2007

22 Weeks

I am loosing my belly button! We met our new doctor, Dr Julie Huh and we really like her. She challenged James to find the baby's heart beat with the monitor, which he found immediately. We spent the weekend picking out colors to paint the 2nd bedroom and James ventured into his first baby store...

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

20 Weeks

20 weeks and growing! We are half way there. Last week she started her first "real kicks", not just little flutters, and right away James could feel them. Every night, just as I am nodding off, the kicks become the strongest, it's like she knows! For now it's very sweet and it has been fun for us to feel her move around, but I am guessing in a few months when the kicks become even stronger and I become bigger, it won't be so cute!