Monday, September 3, 2007

Our visit to Michigan

James, sister Christine and baby Julian

Vinne and Auntie Elle

Cristian and Uncle James

It's been a while since we posted; we had a busy August! We spent 10 days in Michigan where we visited with a lot of family. In 10 short days we saw my parents, James' parents, our sisters and their families, my uncle Noah, aunt Andra and couins Sophia and Julia who were returning from Camp Michigiania, my uncle Tom and aunt Sue who came up from Baltimore along with my cousin Natalie, my grandparents, Grandpa Powell and family and James' grandfather who lives in Sault Ste Marie, Canada. Phew! The bad news...we were camera lazy and didn't get many pictures, it just all passed so quickly. The visit ended with a baby shower thrown by Grandma June, my mom and my sister. It was wonderful to celebrate with our family and friends.

Before we left for Michigan, James painted the baby room a beautiful blue (I went to Vegas to meet my friend Kelly - sounds fair, right?). Now we are shopping for a crib and changing table/dresser and will post pictures once the room is completed. I am feeling good and growing quite a bit. The baby is moving like crazy and now has hiccups every day! At our latest doctor appointment everything was exactly as it should be and baby’s heartbeat was healthy and strong.

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