Sunday, November 18, 2007

Any Day Now...

The bags are packed, baby clothes washed, and I get butterflies anytime Gabrielle calls me. At our most recent doctor's appointment, Dr. Huh calmly informed us that she doubted we would need our appointment for the coming week, as our daughter was likely to be born by then. That was Monday, when Gabrielle's stats were 2cm dilated, 95% effaced, and -1 station. Any further along pretty much means active labor. Short of leaving the car running in the garage, we've done everything we can do to be ready to go at the drop of a hat.

Gabrielle continues to take fantastic care of herself with yoga and near-daily walks, though she's quite uncomfortable as you might imagine. Our daughter has shown no signs of calming down prior to birth, which while a sign of good health also means that her mother does not get much sound sleep. That in turn means I don't get much either. We knew fatigue accompanied parenthood, but no one told us we got a head start on it.

Aside from being a bit tired we couldn't be happier, and we're very much looking forward to meeting our little girl.

Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Dana Udall-Weiner said...

This is so exciting!!!! Your belly looks beautiful, Gaby. I can only imagine how eager you guys are at this point. Your little girl will arrive in this world already very loved! -Dana